Prem Raja

Head of Trading Floor

Prem has been a part of Currencies 4 You for over 13 years, beginning his journey as a junior broker and now proudly leading the Trading Floor. Witnessing and contributing to the remarkable growth and success of our company has been an incredible experience. Our commitment to putting clients first has been unwavering, and it’s this dedication that has allowed us to build lasting relationships with clients from all over the world. Prem is passionate about our mission and looks forward to continuing to deliver exceptional service and support to our clients in the years to come.

Outside of his career, Prem is a family man with two beautiful children that he loves to spend time with. Along with his wife, they enjoy nature trails with lakes as the children love feeding the ducks.

The best piece of advice I’ve ever been given is [COMPLETE SENTENCE]. The best advice I have ever been given is to “embrace change and see challenges as opportunities for growth.” This mindset has profoundly impacted my career and personal life, allowing me to navigate uncertainties with confidence and resilience.

Cats or dogs? – Cats!

What’s the most inspiring part of your job? – The most inspiring part of my job is the opportunity to make a tangible difference in our clients’ lives and businesses. Whether it’s helping individuals save money to secure their dream homes abroad or enabling businesses to cut costs and allocate resources more effectively for expansion and growth, each success story is incredibly rewarding.